riverwinds consulting

Working with a Publishing Consultant

What are Persistent Identifiers?

RFPs Part 1: Getting Started

What is a Megajournal?

Taxonomies and Publishing

What is a Ringgold Identifier in Publishing?

What is a Case Report?

How to Write a Book Proposal

What questions do you have about scholarly publishing?

Why Authors Need a Website

100,000 Views on Publishing Defined

What is a Recommender System in Publishing?

What is the DAISY Consortium?

What is a Monograph?

What is Copyright?

What are Preprints?

RFPs Part 6: Negotiations, Decisions, & Signing the Contract

How to Read a Journal Article

Reading Journal Articles for Free

Avoiding Plagiarism

Books Rights and Licensing

Using Video in Academic Publishing

What is an Institutional Repository?

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